Bottom-Hole Testing

A large-scale paraffin deposit, or even a complete blockage of any production structure, can easily be detected, considering the associated production decrease. However, detecting smaller or incipient deposits is a steppingstone for assuring flow conditions, production in the long run, avoiding downtime and preventing costly interventions.

MWT Slickline offers a variety of Bottom Hole Pressure Tests:

Data Gathering and Well Testing

Gathering data helps customers maximize production, refine field design, and diagnose well boar issues. The Bottom-Hole Pressure Test is a test that is done to determine the reservoir pressure of a wellbore. The results can be acquired at a certain level or at a specific depth of the producing zone. There are two main categories of the test, i.e., flowing Bottom-hole Pressure Test and Shut-in Bottom-Hole Pressure Test. When the test is measured during the flowing well, it is known as the Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure Test whereas if the well is shut for a specific period of time then the test done, it is said to be a Shut-in Bottom-Hole Pressure Test.